The first part of English for the Noughties is e-English
- Find out about e-English and how new technology is changing English usage
- Discover how to- and (importantly) how not to apply computers and the internet to English teaching
Since the internet became public in 1992, English has changed irrevocably. The language has had to adapt to computers and electronic communication being the norm rather than the exception. Our students have to be equipped for this ‘brave new world’ and therefore so do we!
Topics include:-
- The electronic globalisation of English
- English on the ‘net
- Textspeak, chatting and e-mail
- McEnglish
Many examples will be given.
The course is continually being kept up-to-date.
There is a version of this course designed specially for students. It warns of the pitfalls of relying on the internet and computers for language learning. For details, please use the contact button
Click on Style Guide for part two of the course.
© Copyríght Nicholas Waters Please do not steal anything without asking me first
101 English lessons
Effective English* Teaching*
The style guide
Literary Britain
Different Englishes
True blue and red herrings
*Course details not yet uploaded